Return-to-School Procedures for Orchestra Online

While a bit different from in-person, online learners will follow a very similar schedule and have expectations for continued development of their playing.

  • Students should log in to each Classroom’s Google Meet during their scheduled class time. A schedule is included below.
  • Remote students should have instruments unpacked and “ready to rehearse” roughly 5 minutes before the start of class.
  • Mr. LW will do his best to check in with remote students while the rest of the class is unpacking (barring any instrument maintenance catastrophes!)
  • During participation portions of rehearsal (when you would be playing in class) students are encouraged to play along at home and listen and watch carefully for tempos and corrections that may apply to them. Students remote learning should mute their microphones while participating in playing with the group.
  • If any remote student has a specific question during a live class, they are welcome to type it in chat. Mr. LW will do his best, but cannot guarantee that he will see and respond to these questions live. If an answer is not given, please send it in an email so that it can be given adequate attention.
  • Attendance will be taken via Google Extension to confirm students who are able to attend these Meets.
  • All students (remote and in-person) will be responsible for completing a weekly practice journal to document goals and work time for the week. These charts will mirror what have been assigned during online learning. Students who are in live classes or connecting to Meet rehearsal are encouraged to complete these journals with the goals from class that day and a rough time spent during class on each item.
  • Students who are not present during Google Meet will be responsible for putting in detailed and productive practice time equal to that of our in-person rehearsal for that day. For example, if a 6th grade student is experiencing technical difficulties they are not required to attend the Google Meet from 10:42-11:31 however it is an expectation that they complete 49 minutes of detailed and thoughtful practice at some time that day and document it in their assignment.
  • Students both online and in-person will be required to complete the same graded assignments.

Class (and Meet) schedule

Individual classes’ Meet Codes can be found in their Google Classroom.

Sept 28Regular DayWednesday
6th Grade11:07-11:5710:42-11:3110:36-11:22
7th Grade10:12-11:029:48-10:379:45-10:31
8th Grade1:32-2:221:03-1:5212:51-1:37
High School(Gold Day!)7:45-9:207:45-9:12

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