Return-to-school Procedures for Orchestra Class

When returning to school, these specific steps will be in place to help ensure the health and well-being of all our orchestra students:

  • Students will need to wash their hands using the classroom sink at the beginning and end of each class period.
  • Typical unpacking on tables and the “top step” of the room will not be allowed–instead students should take their small cases to their assigned seats and unpack in their space.
  • Due to inadequate spacing and the lack of outside windows, masks must remain on students’ faces and noses at all times.
  • Each student will have their own materials that they are expected to be responsible for. There will be no sharing of folders, sheet music, or other supplies.
  • Cellists will each be assigned a school cello at no cost to them for the Fall 2020 semester. Each cellist will also be given a block of rosin with their name on it. If these are lost or damaged they must be replaced by the student–rosin is not to be shared.
  • Violinists and Violists can purchase additional blocks of rosin if they have lost or damaged the original that was included with their rental.
  • Bassists, Violinists and Violists will all be assigned a locker with a combination lock. These lockers should house instruments only and only be used by the student to which it is assigned.
  • 7th & 8th Grade violinists and violists should plan on storing their instrument in their locker and retrieving it at the end of the school day.
  • There is no need to specially clean or wash students’ instruments. Hand-washing should be an adequate solution for keeping these surfaces clean. If students use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer they should refrain from touching their instrument until it has completely dried. Alcohol could cause damage to the finish of your instrument.



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